
Friday, October 30, 2020

waitangi trip

 yesterday my class when't on a school trip to waitangi and 
we can't go on buses so we had to go on cars and when we got there we had same morning.tea and then gave us these sticks 
for us and then we when in to the the museum and looked around the museum and there was a TV in there and then we when to the tent and sighed our signatures  have a tire at doing our signatures well half of my class when to the marae and then it was our tire to go in the marae and when we got to the my friend was doing the  haka in front of us and my best friend Colin came with me and then it was lunch time so we when out side to have lunch and after we had lunch we when to the toiles
 and then we when down this track and when we got back to  imogen and back through this place and seen this taiaha and there were three of them the colors were black and red to red 
and then we when to the place were we tea our morning tea
and had same fresh air and had a bring of water to get fit 
and then we when back to the cars we had to g back to school
but when we got back in the cars we played same songs in the car and then when we were in the cars i fell a sleep in the cars
when we got to school i was still a sleep in the car and my friends tire to tickle me to get up becomes we were at school the

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Thank goodness for bees

 Our teacher told us to write a choice question, witch means a word from the book you read.

So i decided to use the word Foraging* 

Foraging means a person/animal that scavenges for food